Dina's Blog

  • Call Me Grandma

    It’s official! I’m now a grandma, and it’s hands down one of my all-time favorite jobs.

    On February 20, my daughter Dani and her husband Jud welcomed Millie-Elle Harris into the world. She is seven pounds of perfection and the brand new center of our family’s loving universe.

    Of course, a flood of congratulations from family, friends and business colleagues followed Millie’s arrival. And among the emails and social media posts came this lovely piece of inspiration from my dear friend Matthew Kelly. He said: “There is nothing like babies to give perspective about what matters most and what matters least.” He is so right!

    At this very moment, Millie gets to bring out the sheer best in everyone around her. She represents every child who cannot and will not care more about someone for working late, for climbing the corporate ladder, for prioritizing a promotion, or for weighing success by the bank account. She won't judge you by your uniform. She’s doesn’t care what kind of car you drive. Instead, she responds to your time, your embrace, your shelter, your food, your warmth. She is a living symbol that time is precious. So, prioritize it wisely.

    This hits home for many people. As you welcome a brand new bundle of joy, all of your priorities get redirected where they matter most. And if you cannot devote the time and energy where it’s needed, then you rethink everything in your life to try and make that happen.

    I call it one more example of getting clarity about your values.

    In my monthly interview with the “Son Rise Morning Show” on EWTN radio I recently said, “It takes these life-changing moments to remind us how important it is to have clarity of our own values.” And it really hit home for me. There I was with my granddaughter, holding this miracle in my arms, and in the back of my mind I was thinking of all these other things I needed to get done that day. But in an instant, I was reminded that the most important thing was already resting in my arms. And just like that, reality struck. As Matthew said, I found perspective.

    It’s often easy to say we have priorities. It’s another thing to make good habits a routine so that we stay true to them. And it’s no surprise that a new baby drives this mission even further.

    Dani and Jud have already gone through the exercise of writing down their values as a couple. And now with Millie in their lives, there is a beautiful reminder to find ways to make those values resonate, to put them into action, to live up to those aspirations on a constant basis — not only for themselves, but for this new addition as well.

    I relish getting to do my part. Trust me, I’m spending every waking minute embracing the opportunity to lend a helping hand. And as I look at this new grandchild, I see the most willing participant to accept all the love we can give and more. It’s not about having time, it’s about making time. Here’s to making time for those you love too.
